Saturday, July 6, 2024

All Good Things

 6 July 2024

All Good Things

I have decided to conclude my Blog, “The Presence of Eternity.”  There are a number of reasons.

1.  I have observed an increasing tendency to repeat myself on points I have previously raised.  The repetitions, again, I have observed, don’t really add any new insights.  I take this as a signal that it’s time to move on to other things.

2.  There are a large number of projects from my past, mostly books, some music, some poetry, that I need to finish, to pull them together into publishable shape.  Some of these are forty years old and have been resident in my closet all that time.  Others are newer.  But the time has come to put these out to those who might be interested.  I spend a lot of time on this blog and I think that time should be more focused on completing these projects.

3.  I wish to spend more time in contemplation and in accordance with this I have to simplify my commitments to create available times for that practice.

4.  I don’t feel that what I am saying is unique; others are saying the same things, so it’s not as if what I have to say about Platonism won’t be said by anyone else.  I’m confident that contemplative Platonism will always have its articulate representatives.

5.  I have enjoyed writing this blog.  My plan at this time is to leave it up and accessible for people who may be interested.  I also plan to turn the blog into book form; the first volume has already been formatted and needs only the addition of things like a table of contents and perhaps an index to complete it.  My hope is that I can finish this sometime in August. When it is complete I will post a notice to that effect on this blog.

The second volume will contain the complete Notes and Comments on Phaedo, since that has a unity to it.  The third volume will end where the blog ends, with this post.  In all three volumes the sections will follow the chronological order of the blog.

After I turn the blog into book form, I will likely remove the blog itself since it will have served its purpose.

6.  I want to thank all those who have spent time with this blog.  And a special thanks to those who offered corrections and comments; Eric Fallick and Jim Perdue are foremost in this regard.  The blog is more elegant, more accurate, and certainly has fewer typos, due to their feedback.

7.  Finally, I want to encourage people to continue with their Platonist practice, with the ascetic commitments of Platonism, and to continue their long journey to the Good, the One, and the Beautiful.  Every single step is worthwhile.

Best wishes on your journey,



  1. Hey Jim,

    Though my attention to the blog has waned lately as I’ve gotten busy with a number of things, I just wanted to say that when I was able to read entries I always found them edifying, as well as insightful and well presented. And curiously the writings coincided with my developing an interest in reading people like Porphyry, Iamblicus, and Proclus so the blog was also very timely for me. So just wanted to express my deep gratitude for the blog and acknowledge it’s high quality like all of the other work of yours that I’ve encountered.

    1. Sorry didn’t mean to publish the above comment anonymously.


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